Monday, 8 January 2018

Happy New Year! 2018 plans at ActuallyAmy HQ

Hi everyone!
This last year has been a deciding time for me. I took some time to think a lot about which direction I wanted to move in, hence the lack of updates on here! Tried some different things and came to more of a place of clarity in my career.
Having come back from travels I did some classroom music teaching for a couple of terms while building up private afternoon/evening teaching in and around south London. 
I decided classroom was not for me and focussed more on instrumental teaching as usual. 
Currently teaching piano in a lovely prep school out in Farnham a day a week as well as private clarinet/piano teaching in the afternoon/evenings Monday-Thursday. In addition to this working on getting more teaching in a London based school.

The most exciting news is hatching finally in 2018... Have been thinking for a long while about doing some form of counselling course and so I've enrolled with a charity called Place2Be, completed their taster day last month and will start Level 2 in Children's Counselling on the 3rd February!
It is part time so I am lucky to have the time to dedicate to study while still doing all the teaching and songwriting alongside. 
I am so excited to start this course and make a difference to young people in a different way... and get my study on again!

Promise to be better at keeping up with blogging in 2018.

With love, 