Sunday, 24 January 2016

Five benefits of the Songwriting Process

Over the last six years, we've discovered some amazing breakthroughs when running songwriting workshops, and we feel so grateful and humbled to be able to offer this service.
Writing songs brings huge benefits, and especially so for young people. 
So why is that? Keep reading...

1. Explore creativity
In many school subjects, for instance, maths and science, the answers given are either right or wrong, with very little in between. 
Writing a song is subjective, the process of coming up with ideas and taking risks without judgement or scrutiny is a massively liberating experience.

2. Work together 
Being able to discuss, share and bounce ideas off others is a great way for young people to feel part of something bigger. It brings in aspects of problem solving; (is there enough syllables in that line?) contributing; (you can write the lyrics and we can write the melody) and debate; (let's vote on which chorus to choose).

3. Express feelings
Songwriting provides an outlet for our feelings, and sometimes it's easier to sing about feelings than to say them. Writing a song is a way of working through both the positive and negative sides of our emotions. Yes, the words might not come easily all the time, but specifically singing about our passions is a very therapeutic experience.

4. Have a sense of accomplishment 
Being proud of what you've created brings an enormous sense of joy. This leaves a lasting effect on us and the people around us. There is the additional bonus of having ownership of your song and being able to share it with friends and family.

5. Grow in confidence 
The four points mentioned above all contribute to improving confidence and self esteem through songwriting. The process will often begin with feelings of nervousness in young people, as the idea of writing a song can be a scary prospect at first, but whether it be lyric, melody or music writing, young people are able to uncover their strengths, and feel proud of what they have created.

Writing a song is not about being the best, neither is it about being the first to finish the song. It's about the journey, the ideas that were thought of, collaborations made, thoughts realised, and ultimately the overarching feeling of happiness from creating a unique piece of art.

The aim in our ActuallyAmy Songwriting workshops is to help young people realise that in the songwriting process they can take risks, accept their individuality and watch the flow of creativity happen.

We are currently taking bookings for summer 2017! 
Our workshops are for youth groups, theatre groups, church holiday clubs, birthday celebrations or private sessions. We aim to tailor the time to your requirements and give you a day full of fun and expression without judgement.

If you like the sound of what we have to offer then please get feel free to get in touch.
Contact Amy on 07919525893 or

Much love