Monday, 7 December 2015

Freelancing - The Power of Connection

Working freelance, making connections is an integral part of building business.

So why is that?

The definition of ‘connection’ is 'a link, an association or a relationship.'
As a freelancer I get a big chunk of my work through word of mouth.
“It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” or, in better terms, “it’s not who you know, it’s who knows you”.  The more people you meet and create lasting connections with, the steadier the growth of your business will be. Knowing lots of people in your industry means you will have a higher rate of referrals and recommendations. 
Below, I've outlined six ways to help those connections grow organically, in a true and natural way.

1. ‘Shout’ about your business!

Tell everyone! The more people you tell and the more people you connect with on social media, at networking events or that family event, the bigger your circle will grow. Unless you tell people they won’t know what you are doing.

2. Ask questions

It’s important to balance the ‘shouting’ about it with listening.  Engaging authentically with someone, without a hidden agenda, means the person you’re speaking to will feel heard and valued and you’ll immediately have started the build up of trust. Find out about them, why do they do what they do? What makes them come alive? Doing this gives them a safe platform to get excited about their latest idea; launch or offer and the enthusiasm will bounce around and create high energy and a truly strong connection.

3. Be positive!

As a freelancer, work life isn’t always easy, but if you are positive it will rub off on people and you will gain their respect big time. Focus on the things that are going well in your business and people will lean in and want to hear more. Yes, there will inevitably be bad days, but keeping the good things that are happening at the front of your mind will attract people to you.

4. Keep in touch

Social media is a powerful tool for this one. Connect with people on Facebook. They will then see your posts about your business and you have made an online connection with them. 
Make a habit of doing this, but also keep in mind you need to continue the connection going forwards.
Comment on their posts and make conversation.  ‘Liking’ posts doesn’t count!
Every so often, go through your friends or email list and reach out to a friend you haven’t seen in ages to suggest a coffee. The catch up conversation will swing onto what you’re doing and you can mention your latest ventures and in turn find out about theirs.

5. Collaborate

Two heads are better than one. Where possible, while having these conversations, keep an eye out for where you could suggest working together on something. Two slightly different skillsets will each bring something fresh to the table and create big things!

6. Let your PASSION shine

People are attracted to enthusiasm and someone who radiates their life purpose. Don’t let anyone dim your passion and drive.
Everyone you meet may become a potential client so by emulating excitement for your business you are subconsciously ‘selling’ your service, but in a totally authentic way. This is a very powerful and people want to be part of that.
It’s paramount to have an orbit of people around you, who believe in your vision, support you and champion your efforts. This keeps the energy high and enthusiasm flowing, the circle will then go round again.

In conclusion, think about the strong friendships and connections you have today. Chances are that they didn't happen by accident, instead, some time was taken to nurture and grow that relationship. Go out and put some of these points into practise and see how opportunities come your way. 

 "The business of business is relationships; the business of life is human connection" 
- Robin Sharma 

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Piano hand double for short film 'The Finest Red'

Had the opportunity to be a hand double in short film 'The Finest Red' by Blacksmith and High Productions. Playing the theme of the psychological thriller on the piano. 

The Finest Red is based on the short story Rouge, written by Aurélie Briand in 2001. This short story places its lead character Loïc as a narrator, thus offering the readers a direct insight into the protagonist’s complicated mind. Briand’s use of graphic and poetic language to convey her story makes way to a rich and complex inner monologue seasoned with astonishing visual descriptions.

Read more on the story here:

Friday, 16 October 2015

'Notivate London' Launch!

I'm very excited to announce that I am working alongside Northampton company 'Notivate' to launch their Singer/Songwriter course into London!

A six week programme with a group of twelve young people, aiming to help them to express themselves, explore their feelings and perhaps try something for the first time. It offers children the chance to feel better about themselves and is about music, but is more about "me".

There are six fun, practical sessions, carefully designed to encourage children to realise their creative potential and expand their emotional awareness. Based on ten years' experience of working with over 3,000 children, the Motivate Programme helps to increase self-esteem, willingness to take creative risks and confidence to learn.  

I'm looking forward to putting what I've learnt from delivering my own songwriting workshops into this acclaimed songwriting programme. The first 'Notivate London' Singer/Songwriter course will take place January 2016 in a school in Deptford, South East London.

Watch this space!

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Songwriting Project: Garden Community Cafe, East London

We have just finished a five week project at the Garden Community Cafe in East London. Our primary aim is to give as many children and young people in the area a musical outlet in which to express themselves. This workshop aims to improve confidence and self-esteem while providing an opportunity to work in a team.
For this project the young people decided collectively to write their song on the theme of Easter time, have a listen!

Some snaps of a couple of the children at work: